1 min read

Idea can change Karachi-Karachi Innovation Challenge Launched

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The Karachi Innovation Challenge & Hacakthon is an event of Pakistan Innovation Foundation held every year in Karachi to promote the new citizenship idea and startups which can create a better more smarter and productive Karachi. This helps young citizens of Karachi to develop new innovative ideas. The tagline “Ijaad Kar, Nakaal na Kar..” states clearly that new, inspiring ideas will be taken in notice.

1. DIY Citizenship – Citizen-initiated and run ‘Do it Yourself’ Initiatives aimed at addressing Karachi’s problems in a variety of contexts (education, health, waste collection, economic empowerment, de-radicalization, etc.)

2. Creative Human Spaces – The Use of Creative Spaces designed to culture, art, storytelling and other creative endeavors to create a humane and harmonious City (things like T2f and others)

3. Smart City – Technology-driven interferences to help create a smart and intelligent city that brings relief to and works for its citizens rather than vice versa

4. Trusted City Government – How and through what channels of technology can Karachi & its local bodies recreate their trust levels.

Register at: http://www.pif.org.pk/karachi before August 25, 2016..

The launch event was held at T2F on 17th August 2016. The event included big names social workers like Afia Salam, Saad Amanullah Khan, Amar Khan Gharani & Saima Ziadi. Athar Osama & the team of PIF organization did a fantastic job in explaining why and how the event affects Karachi. #KHIinnovates is the official Hashtag of KIC 2016.

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The sponsors include I Am Karachi, Open Karachi, The Nest i/o, P@SHA & more… The new enhancement is that the teams this year will be Geo tagged & using WhisperO as a proper channel the teams will go out to their authentic consumers which will show how productive the idea is..

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