NEPRA Slaps Rs. 65 Million Fine on IESCO Over Fatal Incidents
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has imposed a fine of Rs. 65 million on Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) on charges of negligence resulting in fatal incidents during the period from July 2019 to June 2021.
NEPRA, upon receipt of reports of 39 deaths in different electrocution incidents during the aforementioned period, constituted a two-member investigation committee to investigate the matter and determine the facts and violations of NEPRA Laws, Rules, and Regulations.
The Investigation Committee’s report revealed that 25 out of the total 39 fatalities occurred because of IESCO’s negligence. These fatalities included 10 IESCO employees and 15 persons from the public.
The Authority has therefore directed IESCO to compensate all the families of the deceased from the public, the compensation should be equivalent to that paid to the families of the deceased employees, which is Rs. 3.5 million each. The Authority has also instructed IESCO to ensure the provision of employment to the dependents of each of the deceased families.