
Rs. 520 Million Allocated by Punjab Government for Murree and Galyat Tourism Boost

Rs. 520 Million Allocated by Punjab Government for Murree and Galyat Tourism Boost

In a bid to attract more tourists to Murree and Galyat during the winter months, the Punjab government has approved a Rs. 520 million fund for infrastructure improvements. The aim is to enhance the tourist experience by upgrading roads and addressing common issues like water shortages and landslide risks.

The initiative focuses on road improvements, ensuring that tourists can travel safely even in heavy snowfall. Snow removal services and road expansions are key elements of the plan, particularly in Galyat, where snow can cause significant travel delays.

The government is also taking measures to secure landslide-prone areas, which pose risks to tourists and locals alike. By fortifying these regions, the authorities hope to prevent accidents and make the area safer for winter tourism.

Solving Water Shortages in Tourist Areas

Another pressing issue being addressed is the water shortage in these regions. The government plans to develop water supply systems and build storage tanks to ensure both residents and tourists have access to sufficient water throughout the year.

The project has been divided among several authorities for efficient implementation. The Murree district administration will handle snow clearing and road cleaning, while the Galyat Development Authority will focus on road maintenance and drinking water supply.

By maintaining roads that connect Punjab, Azad Kashmir, and Galyat, the government is making these popular tourist destinations more accessible, further boosting winter tourism in the region.