09 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Three Must-Watch Dramas You Should Not Miss Out On

Aulaad Great values, good education, and devotion is what is matters the most for these parents Writer: Syed Ameer Ali Shah Director: Aabis Raza Cast: Mohammad Ahmed, Marina Khan, Hassan Niazi, Furqan Qureshi, Nabeel Zuberi Minsa Malik Hina Javed Qudsia Sunita Marshal and others  ARY Digital Aulaad has an interesting plot, logical scenarios and is […]

2 mins read

Celebrities We Lost In 2020

2020 was a challenging year for everyone. Calamities, eclipses, supermoons and a global pandemic, it saw it all. As if all this was not enough, it took away our favourite celebrities away from us, too. Tariq Aziz A whole generation grew up watching the Tariq Aziz Show, formerly known as Neelam Ghar, on PTV. The […]

2 mins read

Worst Things That Happened In 2020

2020 seems to have lasted for 363,296,3873 years. Thanks to all the disasters and calamites it made us go through. Now that 2021 is almost around the corner, it is time to have a quick look at the worst things that happened this year so that we can thank God for surviving it all. Bushfire […]